Annual Turkey Shoot Regatta
Best Sailing Regatta on the Southern Bay!
The weekend before Columbus Day, the Rappahannock River Yacht Club, Yankee Point Racing and Cruising Club, Rappahannock Yachts and Ullman Sails will host the annual Hospice Turkey Shoot Regatta. The Regatta will again be sailed on the Rappahannock River off of Carter’s Creek with shore side activities taking place under the big tent at Rappahannock Yachts.
The “Turkey Shoot” is a fund-raising event that celebrates the beauty, traditional spirit and pure joy of sailing competitively in a classic sailboat regatta. The goal of the regatta is to raise much-needed funds for local Hospices so that they may continue to make a difference in the lives of the people they touch, our friends and neighbors living in the Northern Neck area.
To qualify for participation a sailboat must be a monohull built from a design that is at least 25 years old. You do not have to be a racer to participate. No rating certificate, no problem. If you don’t have a phrf rating the regatta committee will assign one. This is a “fun” race that welcomes sailors of all skill levels.
Again this year wooden boats will be given their own class. They will be starting together and competing directly with one another. To find out more about the wooden boat class contact one of the race committee members
Online registration is up and running.
There’s lots of info at the regatta website: www.turkeyshoot.org. Check back regularly for the latest information.
You can be part of the fun by racing, volunteering, or just coming for the parties. Register today!
For questions contact:
Tom Chapman, Co-Race Chairman - (804)-577-3202 or
Jerry Latell, Co-Race Chairman - (804) 776-6151